How do I upgrade to a paid subscription?


How do I upgrade to a paid subscription?

Answers 1

Upgrading to a Paid Subscription

  1. Visit the Billing page of the dashboard. Subscriptions are split between the IPFS network and the Sia network. The IPFS Pricing Plans will be shown first, followed by the Decentralized Storage Pricing Plan for the Sia network.
  2. Select the subscription plan that fits your workflow. For detailed information on each pricing plan, please see our Pricing Model:
  3. Once you select a plan, you will be redirected to a Stripe checkout screen. Enter your billing information and confirm your subscription by selecting 'Subscribe'.

The Stripe checkout will detail 3 parts:

  • Your base subscription plan: In this example, the IPFS Starter Plan is used.
  • IPFS Storage: This refers to any storage used that is over the selected plan's included storage. For the IPFS Starter Plan, this is any storage over 200GB.
  • IPFS Bandwidth: This refers to any bandwidth used that is over the selected plan's included bandwidth. For the IPFS Starter Plan, this is any bandwidth over 400GB.

For detailed information on the included values for each subscription plan, please see our Pricing Model:

  1. Once subscribed, your current payment method will be listed under 'Payment Method' on the Web Console Billing page.