How is Filebase 90% cheaper than other S3 storage solutions?


How is Filebase 90% cheaper than other S3 storage solutions?

Answers 1

Filebase is the first platform that leverages multiple decentralized storage networks, and thus, does not have to build out any physical infrastructure, making the operation of our services far more efficient and cost-effective for our customers. We are taking advantage of and helping to economize all of the existing unused storage capacity that is available around the world, across the decentralized storage networks that we support. These networks offer native erasure coding, which results in high levels of availability, durability, and redundancy.

Filebase's pricing model for data storage on the Sia network begins at $5.99 for the first 1TB of data and 1TB of bandwidth. In comparison, the cost to store and download 1 terabyte of data on AWS with matching 3x regional replication that Filebase has by default, would be about $111 per month. This is an average saving of ~94%.