How do I allow other users to upload objects to a bucket on my account?


How do I allow other users to upload objects to a bucket on my account?

Answers 2

You can allow others to upload objects to a bucket on your Filebase account through pre-signed URLs. If you haven't used AWS CLI before, see here for our guide on configuring and getting started using AWS CLI:

To create a pre-signed URL with AWS CLI: aws s3 --endpoint presign s3://filebase-bucket-name/

For more information on pre-signed URLs, check out our documentation here:

You can allow others to upload objects to a bucket on your Filebase account through pre-signed URLs. If you haven't used AWS CLI before, see here foguide on configuring and getting started using AWS CLI. To create a pre-signed URL with AWS CLI: aws s3 --endpoint presign s3://filebase-bucket-name/